Are you sick of the masculine “Hustle and Grind” Manifestation & spirituality and seeking a true path to spirituality that your soul longs for?

While also looking to feel more confident in your own skin, step into your true authentic feminine essence.

While also becoming a radically more magnetic and powerful feminine woman in your life. 

Then this is going to be the most important message you read all day. Here’s why…

Dear Ladies, 

Today I want to share with you one of the most important aspects women need to understand about spirituality.

This lesson took me many years to learn and quite frankly changed everything for me.

Let me explain,

You see when I first got into spirituality I waas obsessed with manifestation.

I read every single book, article, video on the subject I could get my hands on.

After the first few years of my spiritual journey I was hooked in manifestation.

I was obsessed.

And believe me it wasn’t easy for me.

In my early years in life, I was born with a problem with my hip and that meant I had to spend a lot of my early childhood in a wheelchair and in a hospital.

I couldn’t play with other people I didn’t feel good about my body I really struggled to do a lot of things.

Because of this when I first got into spirituality I really just wanted to manifest my own dream life.

And it was incredible.

In just a short time I moved across the world to a brand-new city and built my own business.

while quitting my day job and becoming a full-time coach teaching what I love most.

Everything was going amazing in my life “so I thought”.

Now don’t get me wrong I love the manifestation,

 I could talk about manifestation for days.

I know a lot of you experience the same.

If you are reading this, 

I have no doubts you’ve used a lot of the manifestation topics I talked about.

Then went out to the world and claims what is yours.

But Ladies We All Need To Understand Manifestation Is Only Half The Equation. The Other Side Is Peace, Flow, Tranquility, And Abundance.

You see in many ways the spiritual journey for most people goes like this.

“First you use spirituality to get what you want, then use it to get what you need”.

I’m sure you’ve probably experienced this but getting what you want is part of the journey in spirituality.

And I’m sure you’ve done it too, you went out into the world.

Set your intention.

Then manifesting what you wanted.

And it’s great.

But if you are reading this It’s because you probably know there’s more to spirituality and just manifestation.

And I experienced the exact same thing.

I remember getting every single thing I thought I wanted only to be left more confused than when I started.

I still didn’t feel confident, I still find felt insecure in my body And felt a deep sense of lack In myself.

It made no sense to me and frustrated me for months.

That was until.

I stumbled upon, one of the biggest, most transformative, and life-changing discoveries about spirituality that forever changed the way I viewed spirituality forever.

You see a lot of topics we learn about spirituality are created by men.

The vast majority of spiritual content and self-development programs are created by men and are all centered around a masculine model of development.

Goal setting, hard work, thinking logical, and action-oriented programs.

They lacked any emotional development and just focus on the end result.

Results-oriented, getting what you want, doing not being.

(Now don’t get me wrong, they’re amazing incredible people but the problem is the content is not made for women.)

And it’s sad because I fell into this trap myself.

You see I fell into the masculine spirituality trap that most women fall into.

You see the masculine side of spirituality is mainly focused on manifestation.

It’s all about going out in the world and getting what you want.

The masculine is driven, it is logical and results-oriented,

The feminine is all about love and opening and showing your heart to the world.

The masculine is all about doing, all the feminine is all about being.

Being feminine is about receiving.

To surrender To the universe and life and become truly magnetic to our desires and emotions.

It’s time for women to come home to their own feminine flow and essence. 

Instead of being stuck in the masculine hustle and grind of spirituality,

It’s time to end the overanalyzing, being stuck in your head, logically thinking about our desires and goals.

That’s not how we are meant to live.

Ladies, it’s time to embody your feminine fire, become magnetic to your dream life. While becoming a fearless free feminine woman reclaiming your confidence and stepping into your true power.

It’s time for you to embody your true feminine essence.

You see when you step into their true power and embody your true femininity.  

You start to easily attract your dream life and desires like a magnet.

True happiness and fulfillment lie in becoming and embodying your true feminine essence.

Not in the masculine doing of spirituality, we are not built the same.

It’s time to manifest your dreams, in love with the flow of life.

It’s time for you to plant a seed of love deep in your heart and let it blossom for the whole world to see.

Being in surrender to the world.

Being in love with life.

Letting your true magnetic self shines is probably what you’re yearning for inside.

This in many ways is the missing link for most women in their spiritual journey.

It’s time to do less and create more, 

it’s time to be more and have more fun, 

it’s time to let your love and confidence shine through you like a bright burning light.

The way it’s supposed to be.

 it’s just we are never shown up.

Deep inside us, we all know this to be true.

Doing spirituality isn’t the way,

It’s about being your true loving essence.

letting it melt away every single obstacle in your path while beautifully building your dream life with light.

Ladies, it’s time to release the emotional blockages in all our hearts.

It’s time to be your most loving self.

Attracting more love.

More happiness.

More fulfillment in our everyday experiences leading us to our true fulfillment.

The fractured feminine is what’s keeping women unfulfilled, unhappy, and frustrated with life.

And I felt just this.

I didn’t feel confident in my body, 

I didn’t feel love in my life, 

I had all the things I wanted but I didn’t feel truly alive inside.

The feminine is about being.

Being happy, being love and loved.

It’s time for all of us to step into the most radiant and magnetic feminine selves we possibly can.

This ultimately changed everything for me.

I stopped doing spirituality and started being.

I started reclaiming my wild magnetic feminine love for life.

I stop caring what people thought of me.

I started feeling truly alive and vibrant with love letting life just happen.

The ultimate goal of spirituality for women is to unleash the goddess within and reclaim the life they were originally meant to live before society told them how to act.

Deep within all of us, we have a divine feminine power that all women possess.

Deep within us lays a dormant self-love and confidence that is just waiting to come to the surface.

Once you become fully aligned with your feminine powers.

You start to care less about what people think, then love life more than you could ever imagine.

It’s time to heal the little girl inside of us, bringing our playful happiness and love to the surface.

It’s time to unlock the unshakable confidence already within us and to feel great in our own skin.

Women, it’s time to step into our own power, have it all, and connect to our divine feminine power.

We all know most self-help programs are written by men, it’s time to put an end to this.

So I Decided It Was Time To Create My Own Spirituality Course Specifically For Women.

 To Help You Unlock Your True Feminine Confidence, Love, And heart-centered Manifestations So You Can Attract Your Dream Life Faster Than Ever…

Introduction The Feminine Embodiment, Your Personal Guide To Becoming A Divine Goddess.

One You Start Embodying Your True Feminine Goddess Within, Here Is What You Can Expect To Happen:

  • Unlocking and unleashing your magnetic feminine energies: First, it starts with an inner transformation. 

You will be shown how to bring out your inner confidence. While learning how to laugh, love, and feel worthy within yourself.

  • Letting go of fear and tapping into your beautiful natural self: The inner goddess is essentially your unapologetic self.

You’ll start to see yourself for who you really are by finding your true love, power, and passion within.

  • Healing the fractured feminine goddess within: Ladies it’s time to release all the judgments, critics, insecurities, limiting beliefs and develop and cultivate your true love and self-worth within.

 It’s time to discover the infinite confidence and self-love within our souls and power through old insecurities placed upon us. Stepping into the life and love within.

  • Manifestation for women, the way women are supposed to manifest their wildest dreams and desires: Most women are manifesting completely the wrong way.

It’s time to end masculine manifestation ways and step into our true feminine power, manifesting our soul’s desires.

  • Developing and cultivating a goddess-like lifestyle: Becoming a goddess takes time and devotion. 

In order to have lasting results, we need to create a container to allow the goddess to develop, grow, and blossom.

  • Navigating your spiritual goddess awakening: The spiritual journey can be quite a crazy one.

I’ll be showing you how to cultivate and understand your journey going forward. 

As you begin to feel more free, Passionate, loving, and excited towards your life.

Week 1 The Magnetic Feminine

Energy & Suppression of the Wild

Magnetic Woman.

In Week 1 we dive into the Magnetic Ancient Energy known as the Divine Feminine ENERGY WOOO. I show you how to release this Energy and Embody it in everyday life so that you can become a Magnetic, Free, Empowered, Confident, Self Loving, Wild Woman! We deserve to feel alive, passionate and freeee in our beautiful skin!!

This Innate Magic has been suppressed for centuries as the Elite know that if and when Women tap into this Essence we become Powerful beyond measure. We become confident, assured, loving women and this speaks volumes in the Universe.

It is time to spread our wings and fly! Transitioning from the burnt out Masculine always wanting the next thing to the Energised Free Flowing Wild Feminine Energy who oozes laugher, joy, kindness!

Week 2 Allowing the Inner Goddess To Be Released For Infinite Blessings.

In Week 2 I show you the difference between the Ego and the Inner Goddess we all have. She is always there ready to be tapped into. We've just forgotten her but she is always there waiting to be reignited!

The Inner Goddess is the Essence that is Unapologetically Herself, She knows her Self Worth, She is Loving and Receptive to Life's Pleasures, She is Magnetic to the Things She Desires and She Allows them in with Ease. She is POWERFUL! She is passion and love.

Most of us Women are trained to live in the Fear Based Ego which is what creates exhaustion, anxiety, stiffness and we constantly doubt ourselves and our worth. In this Week I show you how to Ease back into your Goddess and be the Living Light you know you ARE so that you can live in pleasure and love and CONFIDENCE! It's time to straighten up our back and walk arou

Week 3 Healing the Feminine Wounds, Shadow Work & Releasing the Gunk for Divine Confidence & Self Love.

In this overly Masculine Dominated Society us Women can feel numb to our emotions, we feel stiff and yuck in our body. We criticise, criticise, criticise ourselves and it is EXHAUSTING!

In this Week I guide you through the Releasing Process. Releasing all those yucky beliefs, all the Gunk and Tar our Ego has Clung on to that makes us feel STUCK.

Through Healing our Inner Child we access Infinite Confidence and Self Love for our Soul, Mind and Body. After this week you will LOVE every inch of your Body, be Radiating and Glowing Deep Deep Self Love. When we do the Work we get Rewarded. When we Heal we Release and Allow our Souls to Transcend to Infinite Love and Bliss which in return Manifests a Beautiful, Delicious Life.

The Alchemy of Emotions is going through them. This is where the rewards are. Through doing the inner work. The inner work is alchemising and ascending, a caterpillar to a butterfly. This is our blossoming journey.

Week 4 Manifesting Your Wildest Dreams Through Feminine

Manifestation & Your Personal Soul Timeline.

Okay I truly feel I can sit here and call myself a Manifestation Expert. I have been able to Manifest so much Abundance in such a short span of time..

I have been able to Manifest a Six Figure Business at the age of 21, I Manifested my Dream Life living in the Canary Islands on a Cosmic Vortex where I get to do Yoga on my Rooftop, go to the Beach, Eat Delicious Food, Live in a Beautiful Apartment on the Sea Front and Feel Utter Heaven On Earth Everyday.

From someone who dropped out of high school, went through 7 minimum wage jobs before 20 and then lost her home at 20 and was in a depressed numb state 24/7 to then finding the Law of Attraction and flipping my Life Around I can honestly say I have Crafted Manifestation to Perfection.

I teach you all my secrets on Soul Manifestation (my biggest discovery and something no gurus teach you, which will save you a ton of time and pain), how to Live in the Most Optimal Timeline for your Soul and Receive your Dream Life. It is all there waiting for you!

Week 5 Embodying your New Flowed Lifestyle & Weekly Feminine Glow Up Schedule for Inner & Outer Radiance, Fulfilment & Beauty.

Embodying our Divine Feminine takes Commitment and Devotion. In order to have Long Lasting Results we must create a Sacred Masculine container to allow the Divine Feminine to be Expressed.

In this week I give you your new weekly schedule to Embody the Divine Feminine, my Customised Feminine Energy Morning Routine that feeds the Body, Soul and Skin, my Morning Feminine Womb Hip Activation Yoga and all my Secrets to living a Present, Pleasurable, Magical Life!

Week 6 Navigating Your Spiritual Awakening, Life Purpose & Holistic Health Secrets for the Wild Women.

If you have questioned to yourself "Am I Going Crazy?" then most likely you are going through a Spiritual Awakening.

In the final week I give you all my tips on navigating the Spiritual Path with a Little more Grace and Ease so you can live more Freely and Loving. How to Establish your Life Purpose as a Lightworker and all my Holistic Health Secrets that the MATRIX don't NOT want you to know.

When we Awaken from the System we see through the cracks, we are no longer asleep. When we are conscious of what we put into and on our bodies we allow our Soul to Ascend to Higher Dimensions of Love and Light. I wake you up to things that are keeping you DEEPLY STUCK and how to ascend so that we can feel Empowered, Free, Sexy and Master Manifestors!

On Top Of All This, I Really Wanted To Get This Course

Out To As Many Women As Possible.

When I was thinking about how much this course should cost.

I didn’t know what to do.

You see I want as many people as possible to get this course, so I can help change

as many lives as possible.

But I believe so highly in the life-changing effects of this course.

That I can’t give it away for too little because once you internalize the content your

entire life will change.

So I wanted to get this course into as many hands as possible.

People were telling me to sell it for at least $1000.

Some told me to price it even higher.

But to be honest I didn’t want to do that.

So I decided to drop the price and make this product a completely easy decision to


So when you enroll in Feminine Embodiment today… you’re not going to have to pay


Your not only going to pay anywhere close to that.

In fact, for the moment… You can enroll in Feminine Embodiment for only…

Enroll in Feminine Embodiment for only…






So Feminine Embodiment will only be:

$444 Today!

On Top Of All This, I Want To Give You Guys 3 Big Bonuses (Worth $666)

Bonus 1 Angels Masterclass.

I started to come into contact with my Angels back in 2019 and since then I have established a close loving relationship with the Angelic Realm and I know deep in my heart that my Life would not be the same if I hadn't reached out for their Support, Healing and Love.

They help me all day everyday, they give me Guidance, Clarity, Answers to my Confusion and Infinite Self Love. In this masterclass I give you all the information you need to know about Guides, your Higher Self, Guardian Angels and Archangels.

With this knowledge you will be able to access the fifth dimension and learn all the light codes to fulfil you with Love and Confidence one your Divine Unique Path.

Bonus 2 The 7 Chakras Masterclass.

Every Human Being has Energetic Discs that run through the Centre of the Body. These are called the Chakras. Each Chakra represents Physical Manifestations of our Life such as Money $$$, Our Love Life, Confidence, Self Worth, Creativity, Sensuality etc.

If Chakras are blocked it can look like People Pleasing, Low Income, No relationships, Disconnection from a Higher Source etc. In this Masterclass I help bring Awareness to your Chakras and how to Identify if they are blocked and then how to Heal them for long-lasting Abundance and Love!

Bonus 3 Private Facebook Group for all Students.

You will also receive access to a Private Facebook Group where you can mingle, share your experiences, any stories or struggles. This is an active group where we can all support one another on our journeys.

Sisterhood is so important on our journey to femininity. This group is perfect for guiding, inspiring and loving you.

Feminine Ascension Curriculum

  Welcome LOVES!
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 1 // The Feminine Essence & Suppression Of The Wild Magnetic Woman
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 2 // Allowing HER To Be Released For Lifelong Love & Success
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 3 // Healing The Wounded Feminine, Alchemy Of Emotions & Inner Child Healing AKA Releasing The Gunk
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 4 // Attracting Your Dreams Through Manifestation & Soul Timelines
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 5 // Embodying Your New Flowed Lifestyle & Weekly Schedules
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 6 // Your Spiritual Awakening Being A Lightworker & Feminine Holistic Health Secrets
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Bonus 1 // Angel Masterclass With Ella
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Bonus 2 // The 7 Chakras Masterclass With Ella
Available in days
days after you enroll

Choose a Pricing Option

The Time Is Now!

 If you have been waiting for the perfect time to make a breakthrough in your manifestations.

A breakthrough in your confidence.

A breakthrough from the Old masculine manifestation guides and ways of being.

On longing to step into your true feminine essence, radiation your love and light into every corner of your life.

Then today’s the day.

No more strategies, Battleplans, mind-oriented manifestations.

I’ve done all the hard work for you.

I’ve taken everything I’ve learned in person used to transform my life faster than ever before And jam-packed it all into this program.

So you can save years the time studying and learning. trying to figure this out all on your own.

The long-awaited weight is over.

The Divine Feminine Goddess Program will change your life forever guarantee it.

I don’t know what else to tell you, but let’s do this together.. you and me.

I don’t want you to have to go through and listen to more masculine manifestations on spiritual ideas. This ends now!

If anything I’ve talked about today resonates with you on a very deep level then I would highly recommend you join this program.

Do yourself a favour and join the Divine Feminine Goddess. You will be so proud of yourself for many years to come.

Thank you so much, I’ll see you on the inside.

– Ella Ringrose.